The Power of Self-Hypnosis
Everyone has a subconscious mind (SM), and here’s the kicker: it runs 95% of your life whether you know about it or not. The SM holds your imagination, as well as every memory and emotion you’ve ever had. It stores all of what you’ve ever felt or experienced and retrieves that data as it sees fit. It’s like a huge hard drive, wired with programming that’s sometimes faulty, and often, it runs operating systems that aren’t always for your highest good.
The subconscious mind’s sole intention is to keep you safe, which is why it was on overdrive to absorb and define everything around you since your birth to the age of about 7 years old, to ensure that it could keep you alive by qualifying and sorting the world you lived in as a defenseless child, when you were at your most vulnerable. After that 7-year-old milestone, the absorption of information slowed as your brainwave activity sped up. So basically, my friend, you’re walking around with the template of a child, filtering your life with those same basic notions of security, love, success, and power, through that immature lens of yesteryear. Your blueprint of how you make sense of life was mapped, and now you’re managing your adult life from that same perspective. Yikes.
What happens on a daily basis is that your subconscious hijacks the conscious mind (which is the analytical part of your brain) when you get highly emotional (scared, overwhelmed, uncomfortable, stressed), and it presents a solution it thinks you might like or has worked for you in the past to help you feel better (this is where addictions come out to play). It’s trying to help you, but it’s keeping you in a perpetual loop of habituation and familiarity. At the end of the day, you’re just not in the present moment experiencing what’s unfolding in front of you in real time. You’re simply downloading old patterns, thoughts, behaviors, coping skills, or mechanisms depending on what your subconscious perceives as real, and it matches that perception to the stored idea. You can see how much power it has to override your best conscious intentions, keeping you locked in your comfort zone where there are known, predictable outcomes.
Ever want to “set your mind” to do something by changing a pattern and find you can’t, no matter how much willpower you call up? Do you have an addiction or phobia, or keep manifesting the same relationship patterns repeatedly? Most likely your subconscious is actively engaged. If you’re working hard on yourself and keeping positive, and you still find you can’t shift your life out of a certain gear, chances are your subconscious mind is running point. It’s OK … Now you know and you can actually do something about it!
Hypnosis is a powerful tool to recreate the same slower brainwave activity of your infant to 7-year-old days—the theta state—when it’s receptive to new ideas around all the important things in life like success, prosperity, and love. A good hypnotherapist can help get you there, into that wonderfully deep, relaxing space, to reprogram your SM for your highest degree of happiness and well-being. But guess what? You have the capacity to shift your own SM. Self-hypnosis is something you can do all by yourself, and it’s powerful and highly effective. Self-hypnosis is the master manifester’s way of circumventing fear of failure and any internal limitation. By doing just two to three minutes, twice a day, you can reboot your SM and tailor it to your own needs with positive projected outcomes for your life. So, lie down, get comfortable, and drop yourself into that magic theta state of mind with these resources below to support you on this journey into your all-powerful subconscious mind. You can truly upgrade your life at the deepest level of being, for good.