Loss and letting go

There is a season for loss and letting go of certain people, be it a friendship or relationship.

March 4, 2024
Writen by:
Ryan Haddon

Everyone has to walk through that pain of separation, willingly or unwillingly, at some time or other.

Knowing how to pull yourself fully back in, when you’ve given parts of you away to another in your loving, is a huge blessing.

It shortens the distance in that hallway of grief.

Because the process of letting go can be twisty and winding, but we absolutely have some agency within it, to at least choose to restore ourselves, by calling fragments of us back so we feel more whole.

By sitting quietly and saying to ourselves:

“I call back all my divine power. My dreams for our journey. Any hopes I had for our future selves or stories I cast out in front of us in our togetherness. I release them now on your timeline and on mine."

Any agreements I made, spoken or unspoken, I ask Divine Love to dissolve them for our highest good.

I set myself free, so we can both walk in Light and purpose in whatever comes next.

I am deeply grateful for all that we moved, shifted, healed, and brought to the surface within us.

Trusting divine timing in all things, and in our ability to heal and transmute these big waves of feeling.

I call all my parts back to me physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. May the highest source of love fill in the empty places.

I trust in my own power to heal and to rest in love. I am that I AM. And so it is.”

Gently reminding yourself often that you are your own greatest ally and protector.

For after all, we take great risks loving one another, such is the way, and we are always held when we come back to ourselves. Our real home, after our adventures in loving others.

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